Dingoo Cradle by Gpeter7!

Gpeter7 has applied his modding skilz again towards a great DIY Dingoo cradle:

Props, Gpeter7!


  1. WOW, he made his own cradle for Dingoo? Very impressive!

  2. This guy does impressive work. I don't really understand why he is so reluctant to share the details of how he does things though. Seems like he wants to be a bit of a show off. Not that he owes anybody a tutorial or anything, but it would take like 30 seconds to make a list of materials used and a one paragraph explanation of what was done.

  3. this is my cheep stand :)

  4. HA HA HA, stand from cardboard box? that is very cheep!

  5. Hi, any body knows if DealeXtreme will sell this product/cradle in the future?

  6. "this is a side view, this is the front view. this is another side view'

    made me lol.

    but great work, looks very professional. now if only it had a usb controlpad connection so you could really dock the thing and use it like a console. but we're limited by the hardware there...


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